Step #1: Pick a high ticket niche!
Here’s a big secret…
It takes the same amount of time, energy and effort to promote a low priced solution as it does to promote a high priced solution.
However, niches where people have low income and buy low-priced solutions are often more difficult to succeed in. Plus, far less profitable.
On the other hand, niches where…
(A) people have LOTS of money…
(B) people are comfortable spending lots of money…
(C) people are actively looking to purchase expensive solutions…
… are often easier to succeed in. Plus, far more profitable!

Step #2: Target Buyer Prospects!
I recently promoted a major product launch in the Internet marketing niche, called Quiz Funnel Masterclass.
I competed against 489 of the top email marketers online. Guys like MindValley, who have 2-million+ people on their email list.
I have 54,000 people on my email list. Yet, I won that launch. Plus, I won a $100k cash prize for coming 1st.
How did my small email list generate more sales than competitors with much BIGGER lists?
I believe it’s because I fill my email lists with Buyer Prospects. While most other email marketers fill their email lists with information seekers.
Buyer Prospects have intent to buy. They are actively looking for a solution right now. Information seekers are not looking for a solution. They have intent to learn.
The difference in profitability between Buyer Prospects and Information Seekers is night and day.
One of the most profitable secrets I ever discovered is how to attract people onto my email list who have intent to buy.
Step #3: Build Trust With The Tribe!
Trust is the key to success in email marketing.
Lots of trust = lots of profit. No trust = no profit. Simple as that. Why? Because I’ve learned that when people trust me, they buy based on the merit of my recommendation.
They say, “Caleb has never done me wrong. He always has my best interest at heart. So if he says this solution will benefit me, I believe him. Where’s my credit card? I’m buying.”
A big reason behind my success is that I don’t rush into selling a new prospect that joins my email list. Instead, I take a few short days to provide value and establish a trusting relationship.
It’s this, “trust first, selling second” approach to email marketing that’s made me one of the highest earning promoters of webinar and product launches on the Internet.

Step #4: Promote Webinar & Product Launches Only!
Here’s a fact…
Webinars and product launches generate up to 10 times more profit for email marketers than video sales letter funnels.
Why? Because webinars and product launches are deadline-orientated “once-in-a-lifetime” special offers. You either buy while the offer is available or else you lose out.
You don’t get a second chance.
Video sales letter funnels, on the other hand, have no deadline (and no “once-in-a-lifetime” special offer). You can buy anytime you like. That’s not good for email marketers.
Results show for every one person who buys, there are 5 to 10 more who intend to buy later but forget. Webinars and product launches get those people to buy. Video sales letter funnels do NOT.
I always want the biggest pay-day for my efforts. That’s why I only promote webinars and product lunches.
Same effort, fatter bank account.
Step #5: Only Promote For “Michael Jordan” Advertisers!
It’s as simple as this…
When I promote for a “Michael Jordan” level advertiser (a true genius salesman) I make many times more profit than I do when I promote for an advertiser of lower skill.
That’s why, these days, I only promote webinars and product launches created by genius level sales people. It makes no sense for me to promote for anybody else.
The trick, then, becomes finding webinars and product launches that were created my “Michael Jordan” level advertisers. Thankfully, I give you two amazing “insider” resources for that inside my new training.
To get my new in-depth 5-day video training on how I build email lists that win high profit product launches, sign up below…

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And together, let’s build an email list we can generate daily sales and profit with.
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